Root Canal Treatment Livingston

The Solution for Your Tooth Pain

Dentist holding hologram of tooth showing root canals inside of it

Many people are frightened by the idea of having root canal treatment performed. In truth, there is no need to fear this procedure; it is designed to put a stop to tooth pain, not cause it! When you have an infected tooth, you can count on our team at Liv Endodontics to do everything we can to save it while also helping you find relief from any discomfort. Reach out to us today if you think you may need a root canal treatment in Livingston soon.

Why Choose Liv Endodontics for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Knowledgeable Endodontic Experts
  • We perform painless endodontic treatment
  • One of the only endodontic offices in NJ equipped with Edge Pro Laser technology

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Pained woman holding her cheek

If you have infected or inflamed dental pulp (the soft tissue inside every tooth), it’s generally best to have root canal treatment performed as quickly as possible to give yourself the best chance of saving your tooth. Signs that you may need root canal treatment include:

  • Consistent pain in your tooth.
  • Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold foods.
  • Swelling around the tooth in question.
  • A tooth that looks darker than the rest of your smile.
  • A persistent unpleasant taste.

Please call us if any of the symptoms above describe your situation.

The Root Canal Process

Young woman undergoing root canal treatment

For the sake of your comfort, the area around the tooth will be numbed. A dental dam will be placed in order to keep the tooth dry while it’s being worked on. Our team will then create an opening in the tooth so that the pulp ( nerve tissue)  can be removed. Once the pulp is gone, the space inside the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned using the EdgePRO laser to ensure that no harmful bacteria remain. The tooth will then be re-filled and re-sealed. A crown will likely need to be placed in the near future to keep the tooth safe.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Young woman smiling right before receiving root canal treatment

By performing root canal treatment, our team can help you find relief from the pain in your tooth. We can also stop the infection in the pulp from spreading, thus protecting the rest of your mouth from further issues. On top of that, saving a tooth means that you won’t need to have it extracted later, allowing you to continue enjoying the benefits that come with having a full set of natural teeth.